I have served as Treasurer since January, 2017. My first task was to convert the church’s financial records from a homebrew Excel-based accounting system to QuickBooks. With the help of a professional bookkeeper, we now have a working accounting system and she continues to generate checks, prepare payrolls, log contributions and reconcile the books while I provide oversight. Of course, our Stewardship and Finance Committee and the Session keeps an eye on what I do!
After graduating from Northwestern University with a BS in Industrial Engineering and from Stanford University with an MBA, I had a varied work career. Among other jobs, I was construction manager for the European R&D facility of a San Francisco Bay materials science company, an editor of the first popular press book about alternative energy, the Director of Public Works for Cottage Grove, the co-founder of a software company that we eventually sold to a publicly-traded company, and just before I retired, I did consulting and contract management for facility design and construction projects all over the US. Somewhere in that time, I became an expert on wetlands mitigation, capital asset management, and construction project management.
My late wife, Dian, and I moved to Cottage Grove in 1975 to be part of a new town project. That didn’t work out for us, but we stayed and set down roots in Cottage Grove. After Dian died in early 2016, I downsized and moved to Eugene. I still have close ties to Cottage Grove with this church and my new best friend and partner, Jan.
-CG always thrills and amazes me with the energy and commitment of its members and friends. Although we are a small church – approximately 100 members – we take on major projects to help those in need, particularly low-income housing and earth care.
As with many churches today, we are faced with an aging membership. We remain focused on our Biblical mandate to love others, welcome the stranger, spread the good news, and show by example the tenets of true Christianity. FPC-CG has been active in this community since 1855 and we’re not going to stop our work now. Come and see us in progressive action – and then join us!
Oh, about my picture – who says bean counters can’t have fun?